Equity and Inclusion Statement:

We strive to create a lab that values and includes people with diverse backgrounds, beliefs and experiences.  We seek to recruit and retain members from diverse backgrounds and groups that have been historically underrepresented in the sciences. Our lab is committed to creating an environment where each member is invested in the lab mission. Thus, it is important that our lab is representative of the diversity in society and that we are active in solving scientific and societal problems. 

We are committed to supporting and promoting those in our field who have been marginalized. We seek to create an environment that is welcoming and enriching. To be most successful in this, it is essential that each person feels comfortable, that their voices are being heard, and that they are an equal member of the team. 

Community guidelines 

  • We are a lab that’s committed to providing a safe space in which we give each other the resources to succeed. In order to do so, we require:

    • No racial epithets or derogatory remarks

    • Reasonable assumptions

    • What mental, emotional, physical and psychological states do we need to be in to be able to a) follow along, b) learn, c) reproduce, d) engage in deliberate practice, e) receive feedback - both positive and negative, without getting defensive, f) being able to self-monitor/self-correct, and g) propagate knowledge?

      • In the context of the lab environment, if a person feels unsafe, discriminated against, excluded, or only conditionally valued, they will lack the tools to perform at their best.

      • This will hinder their growth both inside and outside the lab. It is detrimental to their scientific curiosity, creativity and motivation, and will ultimately lead them to feel less engaged by the work.

      • What is the lab responsible for? Ensuring that the workspace is a welcoming, physically safe, emotionally healthy (i.e. not toxic), harassment-free and respectful community of scientists. That you feel like a valued member of the lab and efforts/achievements are recognized. 

      • Share the air. Stay tuned to how your lab mates are doing. Perhaps they are having a fantastic moment, then share the happiness! Perhaps they are having a hard time. If so, let them know you’re there. Show care and compassion.

        Oops/ouch! When you unintentionally offend your lab mates, admit your mistake, apologize, and adjust your behaviors. When you feel hurt or offended by your lab mates, tell them your feelings.

        Actively listen. Pay attention to the complete message your lab mate wants to communicate, not simply the words they are saying. Engage in conversation with full attention and responses.

        Take space, make space. Be aware of how much space you take up in a conversation. If you tend to talk a lot, try to make space for others and let others share first. If you tend to hold back, try to take space and express more. .Be mindful of the environment you’re in and the tone of voice you use (both in verbal and written communication)

        Admit ignorance. We admit our lack of understanding in systemic racism and racial oppression. We actively seek to understand racial diversity and appreciate diverse cultural perspectives.

        Be mindful of your own privilege(s). Privilege is defined as the right or benefit granted to some people, but not others. Be aware that your privilege gives you unearned advantage over someone else, and puts other people at a disadvantage.

        What’s learned here leaves here; what’s said here stays here. Our lab is a safe space where we feel comfortable sharing our personal experiences and beliefs without worrying about that being discussed outside of the lab.

        Pass on the kindness. Remember the people who helped you when you were learning, and pass on the willingness to help/train as a mentor.

        Care for each other. Life is full of stressors and ups/downs. Be kind and supportive. There is no need to go through struggles on our own. We are always here for each other! Go, Team Sumigray!

Lab Activities:

To ensure that we maintain our commitment to improving ourselves and our work environment, we are involved in ongoing activities as a group:

1. Monthly Diversity and Equity journal club

2. Coffee hour/happy hour/lab lunches-- for the purpose of combating the idea to “leave yourself at the door.” Understanding each other at the personal level is necessary for avoiding miscommunications and for facilitating a strong commitment to working and learning in the lab. 

3. As a lab, we are committed to participating in scientific opportunities for underrepresented minorities. We are actively involved in the following:

    • Yale BioMed Amgen Scholars

    • Yale Cancer Center SURF program